Siberian tundra could virtually disappear by mid-millennium

Due to global warming, temperatures in the Arctic are climbing rapidly. As a result, the treeline for Siberian larch forests is steadily advancing to the north, gradually supplanting the broad expanses of tundra which are ...

As sea ice disappears, a greener and browner Arctic emerges

Arctic sea ice has been in steep decline over the past two decades. A study of tundra shrubs published today in the journal PNAS shows that as sea ice disappears, the Arctic is becoming both greener and browner.

How a warming Arctic is accelerating global climate change

Three recent papers authored by Ted Schuur, Regents' professor of biological sciences at Northern Arizona University, and other researchers around the world, organized through the Permafrost Carbon Network, investigate the ...

Reduced sea ice disturbs balance of greenhouse gases

(—The widespread reduction in Arctic sea ice is causing significant changes to the balance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This is shown in a new study conducted by researchers from Lund University in Sweden, ...

Fire hastens permafrost collapse in Arctic Alaska, study finds

While climate change is the primary driver of permafrost degradation in Arctic Alaska, a new analysis of 70 years of data reveals that tundra fires are accelerating that decline, contributing disproportionately to a phenomenon ...

Melting tundra creating vast river of waste into Arctic Ocean

The increase in temperature in the Arctic has already caused the sea-ice there to melt. According to research conducted by the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, if the Arctic tundra also melts, vast amounts of organic material ...

Ancient wolf pup mummy uncovered in Yukon permafrost

While water blasting at a wall of frozen mud in Yukon, Canada, a gold miner made an extraordinary discovery: a perfectly preserved wolf pup that had been locked in permafrost for 57,000 years. The remarkable condition of ...

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