Building public trust in the police

Policing in the United States is under renewed scrutiny after the deaths of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and five Dallas police officers last week. While some cities, like Dallas, have seen improvements in police-community ...

Tackling the 'credibility crisis' in science

Widespread failure to reproduce research results has triggered a crisis of confidence in research findings, eroding public trust in scientific methodology. In response, PLOS Biology is launching on January 4th, 2016, a new ...

How limiting CEO pay can be more effective, less costly

CEOs make a lot of money from incentive pay tied to stock performance. Although such schemes help align executives' interests with shareholders, they are not necessarily the best schemes as compared to schemes that rely on ...

Who do Australians trust on 'toxic news'?

State governments and industry need to lift their game if they are to win public trust and support for the clean-up of polluted industrial sites in the local neighbourhood.

Public participation should be at the heart of big data projects

Public participation should be at the heart of big data projects in health care and biomedical research, according to the findings of a new report by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. The report calls for greater transparency ...

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