Regaining trust after a transgression

the disgraced politician, chastened business leader or shamed celebrity standing before a podium offering up their apologies as the news cameras flash. "Sorry" may be the hardest word to say, but does simply owning up to ...

US lawmakers query smartphone 'apps' in privacy

Apple, Facebook, and Google on Thursday fielded questions from US lawmakers concerned that smartphones and popular mobile "apps" were putting people's privacy at risk.

Sony battles to regain trust after data breach

Japanese entertainment and technology giant Sony faces a battle to regain the trust of millions of consumers after online networks integral to its strategy were hacked, say analysts.

Trust not always a good thing

Citizen groups acting as consultants to industry would do well to hold onto a little healthy mistrust to keep debate and critical thinking alive, says a University of Alberta researcher.

Convey trust with voice, professor urges

( -- So many insecurities, so little trust. In today's stressed workplace, pitch and volume of conversations matter, according to new research.

In networks we trust

( -- European researchers are proposing a paradigm-shifting solution to trusted computing that offers better security and authentication with none of the drawbacks that exist in the current state of the art.

Study: Public trust doctrine could aid management of US oceans

Since Congress lifted a moratorium on offshore drilling last year, federal lawmakers have grappled with the issue of how best to regulate U.S. ocean waters to allow oil, wave and wind energy development, while sustainably ...

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