Being 'laid off' leads to a decade of distrust

People who lose their jobs are less willing to trust others for up to a decade after being laid-off, according to new research from The University of Manchester.

Smiling builds trust

"A smile gains more friends than a long face." This Chinese saying has been scientifically validated by researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Plön and the Toulouse School of Economics in a study ...

Black Republicans put most faith in US government

Black Republicans trust the United States government more than other political groups, finds a new study from the University of British Columbia, ahead of the mid-term U.S. elections to be held on November 4.

How the financial crisis boosted the best leaders

Six years on from the financial crisis and still many of us feel deeply unsure about institutions and individuals we had previously revered as beacons of reliability and certainty. The need to repair that broken trust has ...

Public trust has dwindled with rise in income inequality

Trust in others and confidence in societal institutions are at their lowest point in over three decades, analyses of national survey data reveal. The findings are forthcoming in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association ...

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