German anti-trust case against Audible, Apple dropped

Germany's anti-trust agency says it's dropping its investigation of Amazon subsidiary Audible and Apple after the two companies agreed to end exclusivity deals for audiobook supply and distribution.

Does your smartphone make you less likely to trust others?

Imagine you are visiting a new city and get lost on your way to that famous must-see museum. In times of yore – actually just about 10 years ago – you might have had to consult a friendly local to direct you. Today, with ...

A recipe for friendship: Similar food

How do you build rapport with a new employer or someone on a first date? It turns out that there may be a simple strategy that's often overlooked: eat the same food as your companion.

Effective policing depends on public trust, science shows

Public trust and confidence in the police have remained flat for several decades despite a declining crime rate in the U.S., a problem that has become especially salient in the wake of recent police shootings of unarmed black ...

Finding fake feedback posted online

How can you, the consumer, trust the customer feedback posted at online shopping sites when hoping to make a purchasing decision? Conversely, as the company running the site, how can it protect its reputation from false negative ...

Fatal error—why we don't fully trust technology

We've all been there. The presenter is about to begin, but then disaster strikes: the computer technology fails. Perhaps the computer has fallen asleep, the data projector is using the wrong input, or the mouse clicker has ...

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