Study of penguin colonies at Antarctic island shows decline

Results from a 21-year study into the breeding success of gentoo penguins at a well-known tourist site in Antarctica, reveal a 25 percent reduction in breeding pairs and a decrease of between 54-60 percent in chick numbers. ...

Study examines diversity, social mistrust

Some researchers have argued for years that high rates of ethnic diversity in a community can eat away at social capital, the interconnectedness among neighbors that helps give rise to a functioning society. A new study led ...

Tackling the 'credibility crisis' in science

Widespread failure to reproduce research results has triggered a crisis of confidence in research findings, eroding public trust in scientific methodology. In response, PLOS Biology is launching on January 4th, 2016, a new ...

Heatwave triggers 'false autumn' in UK

Searing summer temperatures in the UK have not just parched the earth and dried up rivers, lakes and reservoirs but are also seeing trees shed their leaves early.

Sony battles to regain trust after data breach

Japanese entertainment and technology giant Sony faces a battle to regain the trust of millions of consumers after online networks integral to its strategy were hacked, say analysts.

Urbanization improves out-group trust

It's a trope that's played out in many forms: an innocent villager goes to the big city, and their naivety in the ways of the world is immediately rewarded with someone taking advantage of their trust.

Analytics study reveals big data equals big payoff

While more than 75 percent of the highest performing organizations cite growth or innovation as the chief value of business analytics, almost two-thirds of them say some form of political or executive resistance is the primary ...

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