The impact of AI in history classrooms

Teacher education & school improvement faculty members Torrey Trust and Bob Maloy in the College of Education have published an article in a recent issue of an education journal in Australia about educators' challenges in ...

New Zealand fights to save its flightless national bird

New Zealand's treasured kiwi birds are shuffling around Wellington's verdant hills for the first time in a century, after a drive to eliminate invasive predators from the capital's surrounds.

Chimp friendships are based on trust

It almost goes without saying that trust is a defining element of genuine human friendship. Now, a report in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on January 14 suggests that the same holds true among chimpanzee pals. The ...

Georgia Tech releases cyber threats forecast for 2012

The year ahead will feature new and increasingly sophisticated means to capture and exploit user data, as well as escalating battles over the control of online information that threatens to compromise content and erode public ...

Nexi robot: A matter of trust

( -- What can a wide-eyed, talking robot teach us about trust? A lot, according to Northeastern psychology professor David DeSteno, and his colleagues, who are conducting innovative research to determine how humans ...

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