New panels want to talk ethics, rules of climate tinkering

Tinkering with the planet's air to cool Earth's ever-warming climate is inching closer to reality enough so that two different high-powered groups—one of scientists and one of former world leaders—are trying to come up ...

For a smooth-running economy, rule of law matters

Countries in which courts more easily enforce contracts see less economic volatility overall than nations that don't adhere as well to the rule of law. That's the finding from a study by a finance researcher at The University ...

COVID-19 has negatively impacted how auditors work

COVID-19 has disrupted financial statement auditing globally and impacted group dynamics in an industry vital to the health of the economy, according to a new study.

What are the motives behind cronyism?

A study in Economic Inquiry uses a novel experimental design to deconstruct the motives behind engaging in cronyism, for example, when a manager hires a friend without proper regard to their qualifications. The research indicates ...

Fact-checking can harm trust in media

With a federal election expected in May, at a time of great upheaval at home and around the world, the need for trusted media to accurately inform voters' choices and debunk myths will be critical.

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