Trust not always a good thing

Citizen groups acting as consultants to industry would do well to hold onto a little healthy mistrust to keep debate and critical thinking alive, says a University of Alberta researcher.

Convey trust with voice, professor urges

( -- So many insecurities, so little trust. In today's stressed workplace, pitch and volume of conversations matter, according to new research.

Trusting people make better lie detectors

Trusting others may not make you a fool or a Pollyanna, according to a study in the current Social Psychological and Personality Science. Instead it can be a sign that you're smart.

Nexi robot: A matter of trust

( -- What can a wide-eyed, talking robot teach us about trust? A lot, according to Northeastern psychology professor David DeSteno, and his colleagues, who are conducting innovative research to determine how humans ...

In networks we trust

( -- European researchers are proposing a paradigm-shifting solution to trusted computing that offers better security and authentication with none of the drawbacks that exist in the current state of the art.

American opinion cools on global warming

Public concern about global warming has dropped sharply since the fall of 2008, according to a national survey released today by researchers at Yale and George Mason universities.

Trust Linux!

( -- A team of researchers has implemented support for 'trusted computing' in a commercially available version of the open source operating system Linux, breaking new ground in the global drive toward more secure ...

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