Study: How firefighters and others take leaps of faith

A study of firefighters in the United States breaks new ground in understanding how groups of workers—especially those in high-risk occupations—are able to take leaps of faith. The study conveys what goes into a person's ...

How much would you trust an autonomous vehicle?

Would you trust a car that does the driving for you? Do you trust the adaptive cruise control available in newer cars? What about the traction control feature? Would you trust a car to brake for you in an emergency?

How companies can restore trust after CEO misconduct

A new study published today in the Journal of Trust Research reveals how boards of directors can proactively address CEO misconduct to increase public trust towards an organization.

Central banker takes stab at bitcoin 'bubble'

The head of the Bank of International Settlements, the central bank for central banks, on Tuesday lambasted bitcoin as a speculative bubble and said authorities need to be ready to protect public trust in the financial system.

Are some cultures less trusting than others?

Nobel laureate Kenneth Arrow once described trust as a "lubricant of a social system". Economic exchange, in particular, is virtually impossible without at least some level of trust. While markets, shops and online traders ...

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