US urges safety technologies be made standard (Update 2)

The U.S. government should require automakers to make the latest collision prevention technologies standard equipment on all new cars and trucks, a move that could reduce fatal highway accidents by more than half, federal ...

Fuel economy at all-time high, researchers find

(—Fuel economy of all new vehicles sold in the United States is at its highest level ever, say researchers at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute.

New vehicle emissions show record improvement

Emissions from new vehicles are down a record 20 percent in the last five years, say researchers at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute.

'Sweet' chemicals from a 'green' raw material

The biobased world's traditional focus on producing fuels for cars, trucks and aircraft is quietly undergoing a major transition this summer toward production of chemicals needed for manufacture of hundreds of different consumer ...

Vehicle fuel economy up for the first time since March

(—Fuel economy of all new vehicles sold in the United States is up for the first time in five months, say researchers at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute.

Connoisseur of chaos

As a high school student in a Detroit suburb in the 1990s, Russ Tedrake did not fit the standard profile of a future computer science professor. Although he had a talent for math—"I won some of the little math competitions," ...

How to avoid jack-knifing your truck

Jack-knifing is a major cause of devastation in a road traffic accident involving articulated trucks. Researchers in Greece have now designed a device to prevent this often lethal action of such vehicles. Writing in the International ...

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