Q&A: The ongoing marine heat waves in US waters explained

NOAA scientists have tracked a steady climb in ocean temperatures since April 2023, which is causing unprecedented heat stress conditions in the Caribbean Basin, including waters surrounding Florida and in the Gulf of Mexico.

The carbon footprint of a pet fish calculated

Keeping tropical fish as pets could contribute up to 12.4% of the UK's annual average household CO2 emissions and up to 30% of the UK annual average household water usage, a new study finds.

New use for AI: Correctly estimating fish stocks

For the first time, a newly published artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm is allowing researchers to quickly and accurately estimate coastal fish stocks without ever entering the water. This breakthrough could save millions ...

How rainforest fish adapt to local conditions

The future of freshwater fish species in Australia's tropical rainforest areas, including the Daintree and Mosman Gorge, will increasingly be subject to the vagaries of climatic and other changes.

Cassowaries still crucial to seed dispersal, study shows

Cassowaries continue to be one of nature's most critical gardeners, with a new study into seed dispersal through their scats reaffirming their role in the ecological function of pockets of remnant rainforests.

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