NASA finds heavy rain potential in Tropical Cyclone Blake

NASA's Aqua satellite provided a near visible image and analyzed the cloud top temperatures in Tropical Cyclone Blake, located along the northern coast of Western Australia. Tropical Cyclone Blake is just north of Broome, ...

Global heat extremes on the rise, study finds

Temperature extremes with altered characteristics are among the most threatening impacts of global warming. However, how their characteristics have changed is uncertain, and varies by region.

Furry crabs may be healing Great Barrier Reef

Furry crabs once thought to be damaging the Great Barrier Reef may in fact be helping save the coral by stopping the spread of disease, a researcher said.

Scientists discover that rainforests take the heat

South American rainforests thrived during three extreme global warming events in the past, say paleontologists at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in a new report published in the Annual Review of Earth and Planetary ...

Climate change: How bad could the future be if we do nothing?

The climate crisis is no longer a looming threat—people are now living with the consequences of centuries of greenhouse gas emissions. But there is still everything to fight for. How the world chooses to respond in the ...

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