NASA analyzes developing System 90L in Straits of Florida

A low-pressure area designated as System 90L appears to be developing in the Straits of Florida, located between Southern Florida and Cuba. NASA's Aqua satellite measured cloud top temperatures within the developing system ...

Climate change could reawaken Indian Ocean El Nino

Global warming is approaching a tipping point that during this century could reawaken an ancient climate pattern similar to El NiƱo in the Indian Ocean, new research led by scientists from The University of Texas at Austin ...

Climate change brings summertime heat to Florida's early spring

Florida is caught between a climate change-induced sauna of extreme spring temperatures and a steam bath caused by warming oceans. The result has been record-setting heat that has turned April into summertime across the peninsula, ...

Six-fold jump in polar ice loss lifts global oceans

Greenland and Antarctica are shedding six times more ice than during the 1990s, driving sea level rise that could see annual flooding by 2100 in regions home today to some 400 million people, scientists have warned.

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