Tropical Storm Maria's 'West Side Story' to the Caribbean

Tropical Storm Maria is making her own "West Side Story" and is headed in the direction of the Lesser Antilles. Satellite imagery today shows Maria's close proximity to the island chain in the Caribbean.

GOES-13 satellite movie shows formation of Tropical Storm Don

Tropical Storm Don formed at 5 p.m. EDT last night, July 27, in the southern Gulf of Mexico and appears to be a small storm on GOES-13 satellite imagery. NASA compiled two days of GOES-13 imagery in a 30 second movie that ...

NASA's TRMM satellite sees Tomas' power fluctuate

The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite traveled over Tomas twice on Tuesday, Nov. 2. The second time was at 2005 UTC (4:05 p.m. EDT) when it was still classified as a tropical storm. During TRMM's second ...

NASA captures a visible image of Cleo's new eye

The Moderate Imaging Spectroradiometer or MODIS instrument that flies on NASA's Aqua satellite has amazing resolution from space, and captured Cleo's cloudless eye early this morning. Cleo has intensified from a Tropical ...

Super Typhoon Nida to pass east of Iwo To and Chichi Jima

Nida is still holding on to Super Typhoon status in the Western Pacific Ocean, and over the weekend, is forecast to pass east of both Iwo To and Chichi Jima islands. Although the center of Nida will remain at sea, both islands ...

As 2 storms menace Gulf Coast, residents brace for deluge

As two powerful storms menaced the Gulf Coast Monday, forecasters feared Marco would drive sea water onto the shore and unleash torrential rains just two days before Laura lashes the same region with potentially more powerful ...

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