Why a half-degree temperature rise is a big deal

The Paris Agreement, which delegates from 196 countries hammered out in December 2015, calls for holding the ongoing rise in global average temperature to "well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels," while "pursuing efforts ...

Climate change driving marine species poleward

Warming waters have driven thousands of ocean species poleward from the equator, threatening marine ecosystems and the livelihoods of people who depend on them, researchers reported Monday.

NASA finds an elongated Phanfone now a tropical storm

NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite provided a visible image of Phanfone as it continues moving through the South China Sea. Visible imagery showed that the storm is less organized and elongated as the storm weakened from a typhoon ...

Antarctic Peninsula warming up due to heat in Tasman Sea

The melting of the Earth's ice cover intensified in the 20th century, with glaciers and sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic regions melting at alarming speeds. In fact, The Antarctic Peninsula (AP), which is the only landmass ...

NASA sees Katia become second Atlantic Hurricane

The second Atlantic Ocean Hurricane was born today, Sept. 1 as Katia strengthened from a tropical storm in the central Atlantic. NASA's TRMM satellite noticed towering thunderstorms within Katia yesterday which clued forecasters ...

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