NASA watching Tropical Storm Fabio head to southern California

Southern California's coast is already feeling rough surf from Tropical Storm Fabio, and as the storm draws closer it is expected to bring scattered showers and thunderstorms as well. NASA's Aqua satellite peered into Fabio's ...

Rusty stirs up double trouble surprise

( —As Tropical Cyclone Rusty crossed the Pilbara coast last week, the ocean's turbidity levels exceeded the maximum range of scientists' instruments.

Climatologists offer explanation for widening of tropical belt

( —Recent studies have shown that the Earth's tropical belt—demarcated, roughly, by the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn—has progressively expanded since at least the late 1970s. Several explanations for this ...

Tropical sea temperatures influence melting in Antarctica

Accelerated melting of two fast-moving outlet glaciers that drain Antarctic ice into the Amundsen Sea Embayment is likely the result, in part, of an increase in sea-surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean, according ...

Uncertainty of future South Pacific Island rainfall explained

With greenhouse warming, rainfall in the South Pacific islands will depend on two competing effects – an increase due to overall warming and a decrease due to changes in atmospheric water transport – according to a study ...

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