Related topics: climate change

267 million people worldwide at risk from sea-level rise

Worldwide, 267 million people live on land less than two meters above sea level, which is most at risk from sea level rise, according to a study in Nature Communications. The paper suggests that by 2100 the number could increase ...

Research supports a new approach to counting CO2 emissions

( —Researchers have called for a system of carbon emission assessments that reflect better the true contribution of each emitting nation to the increase in atmospheric CO2 and promote preservation of forests, particularly ...

Species 'pushed out of the tropics' by climate change

The world's tropical regions are home to the widest range of plants and animals, but research from The University of Queensland reveals that climate change is pushing species away, and fast.

How social media can contribute to species conservation

Photos of plants and animals posted on social media can help protect biodiversity, especially in tropical regions. This is the conclusion of a team of researchers led by the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research ...

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