Decadal climate variability in the tropical Pacific

From devastating floods to raging wildfires, climate variability on a global scale is apparent. These extreme weather events, and the world's climate system as a whole, are heavily influenced by the Tropical Pacific, an expanse ...

Major discovery helps explain coral bleaching

Corals, like all animals, must eat to live. The problem is that most corals grow in tropical waters that are poor in nutrients, sort of like ocean deserts; it's this lack of nutrients that makes the water around coral reefs ...

The 'smell' of coral as an indicator of reef health

You might not normally think about what corals smell like—or how the smell changes during heat stress. However, that is what researchers from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), the University of Sydney and Southern ...

Biggest fish in the sea are girls

A decade-long study of the iconic fish has found male whale sharks grow quickly, before plateauing at an average adult length of about eight or nine meters.

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