Home aquarium species a potential threat to California waters

(Phys.org)—Well-intentioned children and aquarium hobbyists seeking to "free" their pet fish down a toilet bowl or into a local waterway may inadvertently be contributing to the threat of invasive species downstream, according ...

Size matters for fish in a changing climate

A changing climate could have a drastic impact on fish populations in the tropics, but according to new research it's likely to boost stocks in some cooler waters.

Incentives slow rainforest destruction, researcher says

(Phys.org) -- Tropical rainforests are the biggest defense against global warming, absorbing 50 percent more carbon than other kinds of forests. Yet they are disappearing at a rate of about 11 million hectares a year.

Changing El Nino could reshape Pacific Ocean biology

Over the past few decades, the scientific understanding of El Nino has grown increasingly complex. Traditionally viewed as a periodic warming focused largely in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, El Nino is associated ...

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