Northern peatlands a misunderstood player in climate change

University of Alberta researchers have determined that the influence of northern peatlands on the prehistorical record of climate change has been over estimated, but the vast northern wetlands must still be watched closely ...

UN: 2010 tied for warmest year on record

(AP) -- Last year tied with 1998 and 2005 for the warmest year on record, providing further evidence that the planet is slowly heating up, the U.N. weather agency said Thursday.

Bering Sea chill yields fatter plankton, pollock diet changes

Despite a 30-year warming trend, the last three years in the Bering Sea have been the coldest on record. A University of Alaska Fairbanks scientist says that the cold temperatures have helped produce larger zooplankton in ...

Research reveals likely housing winners and losers

There is a great deal of uncertainty and speculation about the direction of the housing market in the UK and the USA -- both for home-owners and renters. Social Scientists funded by the Economic and Social Research Council ...

UK mothers having fewer children, older

Over the last two decades women in Britain had fewer children than they originally intended, according to a study by the ESRC Centre for Population Change at the University of Southampton, published today in the ONS publication ...

Large caps this spring's must-have for water fleas

It remains one of the unresolved mysteries of the animal world: why do females change the way they look each season while males look the same all year round? Researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, who have been ...

Is a good man still hard to find?

( -- On Valentine’s Day couples make a special effort to celebrate their relationships. But spare a thought for the so-called ‘desperate and dateless’ - those people who would like to have a partner but ...

Understanding past and future climate

The notion that scientists understand how changes in Earth's orbit affect climate well enough for estimating long-term natural climate trends that underlie any anthropogenic climate change is challenged by findings published ...

2009: the Year of Twitter

The year has not yet ended but Microsoft says "Twitter" was among the top searches of 2009 on its new search engine Bing and a company which monitors language has crowned it the top word of the year.

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