Groundwater conservation through development of a drought plan

(—The goal of a drought plan is to sustain water availability by reducing water use in response to drought or emergency conditions. Because emergency conditions can develop rapidly, responses must be enacted quickly. ...

Southern butterflies move north

Native butterflies are vanishing from parts of the Northeast, a Harvard University study finds, while warmer-natured southerners are increasingly invading their turf. This coincides with a half-century warming trend in the ...

New satellite has begun taking the Earth's temperature

(—The temperature of the Earth, through its thermal and reflected energy, is now being measured more accurately than ever thanks to the operation of a new satellite based and UK developed detector called GERB 3. ...

Bird ranges shift north, but not as fast as climate

( -- As warmer winter temperatures become more common, one way for some animals to adjust is to shift their ranges northward. But a new study of 59 North American bird species indicates that doing so is not easy ...

Kazakhstan sounds alarm over dying Caspian seals

The Kazakhstan government and environmentalists Tuesday sounded the alarm over the declining numbers of endangered Caspian seals after 35 animals were found dead over the weekend.

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