Climate change forces early spring

Spring is hailed as the season of rebirth, but if it comes too early, it can threaten the plants it is meant to welcome.

UK mothers having fewer children, older

Over the last two decades women in Britain had fewer children than they originally intended, according to a study by the ESRC Centre for Population Change at the University of Southampton, published today in the ONS publication ...

To save giant sequoia trees, maybe it's time to plant backups

Last month, unusually high winds knocked down 15 giant sequoias in Yosemite. If you haven't had a chance to see them in person, giant sequoias are big—like, warp-your-sense-of-scale and melt-your-brain big. Then, once you've ...

Most consumers continue to expect rising food prices: Report

Most U.S. consumers surveyed in February 2024 predicted that they would see an increase in food prices over the next 12 months. Sixty-four percent of respondents predict food prices to rise in the next year, and the average ...

Are your tweets feeling well?

In the future, public health workers could monitor trends on social media to quickly identify a rise of influenza, depression or other health issues in a specific area, thanks to research at the Department of Energy's Pacific ...

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