2009: the Year of Twitter

The year has not yet ended but Microsoft says "Twitter" was among the top searches of 2009 on its new search engine Bing and a company which monitors language has crowned it the top word of the year.

Research helps businesses optimize benefits of crowdsourcing

(Phys.org)—In today's global marketplace, a growing number of organizations are attempting to gain an edge over their competitors through "crowdsourcing"—the use of large groups of individuals to perform tasks commonly ...

Understanding the Earth's climate prior to the industrial era

Tree-rings, ice-cores, and speleothems are all used to reconstruct climate of the past millennia. But are these records reliable? Researchers of the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, the University of Bern's Oeschger ...

Australians are moving home less. Why? And does it matter?

Australians are among the most mobile populations in the world. More than 40% of us change address every five years, about twice the global average. Yet the level of internal migration—moving within Australia—has gone ...

50 years of research productivity trends across fields and genders

An analysis of scholarly research papers published in the last 50 years provides new insights into trends in research productivity, highlighting an overall increase in productivity and a worldwide gender gap. Milad Haghani ...

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