Research reveals old timers in the frog world

Research at Victoria University has revealed remarkable longevity in wild populations of New Zealand native frogs, particularly in the threatened Maud Island frog (Leiopelma pakeka).

Kazakhstan sounds alarm over dying Caspian seals

The Kazakhstan government and environmentalists Tuesday sounded the alarm over the declining numbers of endangered Caspian seals after 35 animals were found dead over the weekend.

New population data provide insight on aging, migration

The European Demographic Datasheet 2016, produced by demographers at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the Vienna Institute of Demography, provides a comprehensive look at key demographic ...

UN: 2010 tied for warmest year on record

(AP) -- Last year tied with 1998 and 2005 for the warmest year on record, providing further evidence that the planet is slowly heating up, the U.N. weather agency said Thursday.

The flight of the bumble bee: Why are they disappearing?

A U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist is trying to learn what is causing the decline in bumble bee populations and also is searching for a species that can serve as the next generation of greenhouse pollinators.

New satellite has begun taking the Earth's temperature

(—The temperature of the Earth, through its thermal and reflected energy, is now being measured more accurately than ever thanks to the operation of a new satellite based and UK developed detector called GERB 3. ...

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