Spain receives ever more solar radiation

Solar radiation in Spain has increased by 2.3% every decade since the 1980s, according to a study by researchers from the University of Girona and the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. This increase is linked ...

Alpine lakes reflect climate change

Increases in temperature as a result of climate change are mirrored in lake waters where temperatures are also on the rise. A new study, by Dr. Martin Dokulil, retired researcher from the Institute for Limnology at the University ...

Northern hemisphere losing last dry snow region, says study

( —Last July, something unprecedented in the 34-year satellite record happened: 98 percent of the Greenland Ice Sheet's surface melted, compared to roughly 50 percent during an average summer. Snow that usually ...

'Mid-sized' firms key to UK manufacturing

A new report suggests that global production shift to Asia may have "run its course" and points to "undervalued" mid-sized manufacturing firms as essential to UK economic regrowth.

Better data needed in determining sea turtle population trends

( —Sea turtle populations may be increasing—or decreasing—but by using the most common method of simply counting nests or nesting females there is no way to know for sure, a University of Florida research team ...

Google Trends foretells stock movements, study reports

Google Trends, a tool that looks at patterns of searches on the Internet, is a potential money-spinner for investors as it provides hints of impending stock movements, a study said on Thursday.

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