The river disappearing in drought-hit France

The once deep and coursing waters of the Doubs river in eastern France have shrunken to a dry bed that locals can cross almost without getting their feet wet.

Libya green group battles to save remaining forests

War-ravaged Libya is better known for its oil wealth than its forests, but environmentalists hope to save its remaining green spaces from logging, development and the impacts of climate change.

'Relentless cyclones' continue to batter US state of California

A "relentless parade of cyclones" hitting the US state of California was expected to shift farther to the north, the US National Weather Service said Thursday, as the region continued to struggle with massive floods and landslides.

2,000 Nepalese tree-huggers claim world record

More than two thousand people including lawmakers and students hugged trees in a park outside Nepal's capital Kathmandu on Thursday to claim a new record on World Environment Day.

Forest soil erosion in the wake of major bushfires

Researchers from Australia and the UK tracing soil in one of the areas affected in the 'Black Saturday' bushfires in Victoria have shown how nuclear science can explain the environmental impact of soil erosion.

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