Pollen corona season for backyard astronomers

Don't be surprised if you look up in the sun's direction and squint with itchy, watery eyes. You might be staring into billows of tree pollen wafting through your town. It's certainly been happening where I live.

Genetic legacy of rare dwarf trees is widespread

Researchers from Queen Mary University of London have found genetic evidence that one of Britain's native tree species, the dwarf birch found in the Scottish Highlands, was once common in England.

Anti-allergy genetically modified apples

Scientists are trying to engineer apples so that the most widely consumed fruit in Europe no longer triggers allergic reactions. But would people want to eat them?

Pollen can protect mahogany from extinction

New research from the University of Adelaide could help protect one of the world's most globally threatened tree species - the big leaf mahogany - from extinction.

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