Naturally fluorescent amphibian found in Amazon basin

(—A team of Brazilian researchers has found a naturally fluorescent tree frog living in the Amazon basin and it represents the only known fluorescent amphibian. In their paper published in Proceedings of the National ...

Tree frogs speed up their life cycle when becoming lunch

Think again if you've always believed that events in the life cycle of animals happen consistently, almost rigidly, as part of the natural rhythm of nature. Studies by Sinlan Poo and David Bickford of the National University ...

Frogs use calls to find mates with matching chromosomes

When it comes to love songs, female tree frogs are pretty picky. According to a new study from the University of Missouri, certain female tree frogs may be remarkably attuned to the songs of mates who share the same number ...

The first gene-encoded amphibian toxin isolated

Researchers in China have discovered the first protein-based toxin in an amphibian -a 60 amino acid neurotoxin found in the skin of a Chinese tree frog. This finding may help shed more light into both the evolution of amphibians ...

The secret life of frogs

( -- University of Notre Dame biologist Sunny Boyd's research is a little like "" for amphibians. Say you're a female tree frog looking for a mate--how do you choose among a number of potential suitors?

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