Was going to space a good idea?

In 1963, six years after the first satellite was launched, editors from the Encyclopedia Britannica posed a question to five eminent thinkers of the day: "Has man's conquest of space increased or diminished his stature?" ...

Detoxifying gold mining

Jacqueline "Jackie" Gerson knows very well how "artisanal gold mining" sounds to people who haven't heard the phrase before.

The path to net-zero emissions runs through industry

As government leaders and climate negotiators gather in Dubai for the COP28 United Nations climate conference, an enormous challenge looms over the proceedings: decarbonizing the global industrial sector.

Nations negotiate terms of plastics treaty in Nairobi

The latest negotiations towards a global treaty to combat plastic pollution opened in Nairobi on Monday, with tensions expected as nations tussle over what should be included in the pact.

Battle looms over renewed plastic treaty negotiations

Representatives from 175 nations meet in Nairobi from Monday to negotiate for the first time what concrete measures should be included in a binding global treaty to end plastic pollution.

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