Concerns grow over tainted sewage sludge spread on croplands

For more than 20 years, the eastern Michigan town of Lapeer sent leftover sludge from its sewage treatment plant to area farms, supplying them with high-quality, free fertilizer while avoiding the expense of disposal elsewhere.

Cheap water treatment

There's nothing new in treating water by sorption of organic solvents such as trichloroethylene (TCE). But finding a method that neutralizes these contaminants, instead of just shifting them somewhere else, is no mean feat. ...

In a twist, Colorado asks EPA to lower state's air rating

Colorado took the unusual step of inviting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to downgrade the air quality rating of the state's biggest population center, and not everyone thinks that was a good idea.

How changes in land use could reduce the browning of lakes

Over the past 50 years, the water in lakes and watercourses has turned increasingly brown. The so-called browning has a negative impact on both drinking water production and ecosystems. If nothing is done, the water is likely ...

When naproxen breaks down, toads croak

A new study in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry takes a harder look at the effects a common anti-inflammatory medication and its degradation products have on amphibians. There have been many studies that review the ...

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