Dead rivers, flaming lakes: India's sewage failure

Mohammed Azhar holds his baby niece next to a storm drain full of plastic and stinking black sludge, testament to India's failure to treat nearly two-thirds of its urban sewage.

Water rationed in Catalonia as drought bites deeper

For months, residents of L'Espluga de Francoli have been saving water in bottles and foregoing showers to cope with long hours of daily water rationing as northeastern Spain suffers one of its worst droughts in decades.

Pharmaceuticals found in Florida redfish

Pharmaceutical contaminants have been found in the blood and other tissues of redfish in Florida waters during a year-long study by FIU and Bonefish & Tarpon Trust (BTT).

Confirmed: Global floods, droughts worsening with warming

The intensity of extreme drought and rainfall has "sharply" increased over the past 20 years, according to a study published Monday in the journal Nature Water. These aren't merely tough weather events, they are leading to ...

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