Being in space destroys more red blood cells

A world-first study has revealed how space travel can cause lower red blood cell counts, known as space anemia. Analysis of 14 astronauts showed their bodies destroyed 54 percent more red blood cells in space than they normally ...

Aviation faces challenge to reduce pollution

Aviation has boomed in the past decades, with low-cost airlines helping make travel affordable to more people, but the industry faces a major challenge to play its part in cutting emissions responsible for global warming.

Social inequities reflected in wait times: The poor wait longer

Nobody likes waiting for services, whether it's a long line at the grocery store or an extra half-hour in a doctor's waiting room. Turns out wait times are not the same for everyone: Black Americans and lower income Americans ...

Technology tackles space junk

Orbital debris can cause problems for space travel and satellites, so scientists have banded together to come up with innovative solutions, from laser cannons to proactive removal.

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