Did Henry VIII suffer same brain injury as some NFL players?

Henry VIII may have suffered repeated traumatic brain injuries similar to those experienced by football players and others who receive repeated blows to the head, according to research by a Yale University expert in cognitive ...

Novel material converts infrared light into visible light (Update)

Columbia University scientists, in collaboration with researchers from Harvard, have succeeded in developing a chemical process to absorb infrared light and re-emit it as visible energy, allowing innocuous radiation to penetrate ...

Researchers find 3,000-year-old shark attack victim

Newspapers regularly carry stories of terrifying shark attacks, but in a paper published today, Oxford-led researchers reveal their discovery of a 3,000-year-old victim—attacked by a shark in the Seto Inland Sea of the ...

Nano-antioxidants prove their potential

Injectable nanoparticles that could protect an injured person from further damage due to oxidative stress have proven to be astoundingly effective in tests to study their mechanism.

Sprayable foam that slows bleeding could save lives

Traumatic injuries, whether from serious car accidents, street violence or military combat, can lead to significant blood loss and death. But using a material derived from crustacean shells, scientists have now developed ...

Researchers use silk to cultivate organ tissues in the lab

Few organs in the body are as complicated as the human brain, a tight spiderweb of neurons that shoots electrical signals across synapses to control all our thoughts and movements. When something goes wrong—as it does when ...

Bioengineers on the brink of breaching blood-brain barrier

Imagine the brain as an air traffic control tower, overseeing the crucial and complex operations of the body's "airport." This tower, essential for coordinating the ceaseless flow of neurological signals, is guarded by a ...

Dissolvable silicon circuits and sensors

Electronic devices that dissolve completely in water, leaving behind only harmless end products, are part of a rapidly emerging class of technology pioneered by researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. ...

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