Crowd called to power Hyperloop high-speed transport

The Internet crowd on Thursday was called on to make real Elon Musk's vision of a Hyperloop transport system that carries passengers in pressurized tubes at near-supersonic speeds.

Chemical hydrogen storage system

Hydrogen is a highly attractive, but also highly explosive energy carrier, which requires safe, lightweight and cheap storage as well as transportation systems. Scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, have ...

Another step toward synthetic cells

Building functional synthetic cells from the bottom-up is an ongoing effort of scientists around the globe. Their use in studying cellular mechanisms in a highly controlled and pre-defined setting creates great value for ...

No more keys or cards? Technology goes under the skin

Researchers at the University of Melbourne are investigating the growth in a new type of technology, inserted under the skin, and set to revolutionise the way we gain access to our homes, our bank accounts and use public ...

Inventor Musk to share plans for high-speed travel (Update)

Twice as fast as an airplane, cheaper than a bullet train and completely self-powered: that's the mysterious transportation system for which inventor and entrepreneur Elon Musk is promising to reveal design plans Monday.

New hope to stop spread of antibiotic resistance

A new path to help stop the spread of antibiotic resistance has been uncovered by a team led by University College London (UCL) and Birkbeck researchers, in a move that could impact the lives of millions globally.

Scientists Track Heat in Tiny Rolls of Carbon Atoms

( -- IBM Research scientists today announced a landmark study in the field of nanoelectronics; the development and demonstration of novel techniques to measure the distribution of energy and heat in powered carbon ...

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