NYC train derailment airs queries about technology

The revelation that a New York City commuter train derailed while barreling into a sharp curve at nearly three times the speed limit is fueling questions about whether automated crash-avoidance technology could have prevented ...

Feds: Truck driver likely caused self-driving shuttle crash

A collision between an experimental self-driving shuttle and a semi in downtown Las Vegas was probably the truck driver's fault, but the shuttle operator didn't have quick access to a controller that could have honked the ...

News media challenge ban on journalism drones

More than a dozen media organizations challenged the U.S. government's ban on the use of drones by journalists Tuesday, saying the Federal Aviation Administration's position violates constitutional free press protections ...

Women want to ride a bike without fear of injury and harassment

Despite the health and environmental benefits of getting on a bike, in Melbourne, twice as many men ride bikes as women. A new study by Monash University has uncovered both why this is the case, and how it can be reversed.

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