Car-to-car talk: Hey, look out for that collision! (Update 3)

A car might see a deadly crash coming even if its driver doesn't, the U.S. government says, indicating it will require automakers to equip new vehicles with technology that lets cars warn each other if they're plunging toward ...

And the award for the safest airline in 2013 goes to ...

At the beginning of each year an array of awards are given in numerous industries to the top performers of the prior year. In the arts, Cate Blanchett won a Golden Globe last week for her performance in Blue Jasmine, and ...

NTSB: Upgrade likely could have prevented NY crash

Federal safety officials say the technology known as positive train control would probably have prevented the Dec. 1 train derailment that killed four people in New York.

NYC train derailment airs queries about technology

The revelation that a New York City commuter train derailed while barreling into a sharp curve at nearly three times the speed limit is fueling questions about whether automated crash-avoidance technology could have prevented ...

US shutdown keeps new planes grounded

New airplanes are grounded, investigations of fatal air and car crashes are going undone and scientific studies dependent on government funding have ground to a halt because of the partial government shutdown now in its second ...

Technology for cars to talk to each other urged

(AP)—Federal accident investigators are recommending the government set performance standards for new safety technology that allows cars and trucks to talk to each other and then require the technology be installed in all ...

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