Study shows cities with more transportation options most resilient

Researchers at the University of Colorado Denver studying how the region would react to a sudden spike in gas prices, found those living closest to their work, in areas with more compact street networks and better multi-modal ...

Argonne and Marathon join forces to optimize fuels and engines

The modern internal combustion engine is a complex and finely tuned system where small changes in one area can have important ramifications on the whole. Decades of dedicated work to maximize efficiency have refined engines ...

Accelerating cellular assembly lines

The immune system generates antibodies to mark threats that need to be eliminated, and these protein complexes bind their targets with remarkable strength and selectivity. Scientists have learned how to generate cell lines ...

Fuel economy up, but consumption up even more

( —Although vehicle fuel economy has improved 40 percent since 1970, the total amount of fuel used has increased by more than half, says a University of Michigan researcher.

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