Who's paying for your Uber?

A new study from Ph.D. graduate Jacob Ward, Professor Jeremy Michalek of Engineering and Public Policy (EPP) and Mechanical Engineering (MechE), and Associate Professor Costa Samaras of Civil and Environmental Engineering ...

'SnowMan' Software Helps Keep Snow Drifts Off the Road

(PhysOrg.com) -- Snow that blows and drifts across roadways has long troubled road maintenance crews and commuters alike, creating treacherous driving conditions and requiring additional maintenance resources to mitigate ...

Turning wastewater sludge into energy and mineral salts

A system developed by EPFL spin-off TreaTech can turn sludge from wastewater treatment plants into mineral salts – which could be used in fertilizer, for example – and biogas. The firm's research is being funded by several ...

'Aeroplane flaps' on lorries to save lives in Europe

Rolling out round-nosed lorries with aeroplane-style flaps at the back on Europe's roads would cut fuel costs, reduce carbon emissions and save lives, while giving a boost to the struggling auto sector, the European Commission ...

US: Lithium batteries not necessarily unsafe

The use of lithium ion batteries to power aircraft systems isn't necessarily unsafe despite a battery fire in one Boeing 787 Dreamliner and smoke in another, but manufacturers need to build in reliable safeguards, the top ...

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