GPS tracking could help tigers and traffic coexist in Asia

More than 100,000 tigers ranged across Asia a century ago, from the Indian subcontinent to the Russian Far East. Today they are endangered, with only about 4,000 tigers left in the wild. The greatest threats they face are ...

City dwellers juggle with their means of transportation

A study carried out by EPFL and UNIGE and conducted in Lausanne, Geneva, Bern and Yverdon-les-Bains reports the way active urban groups have greatly diversified their modes of travel over the past two decades.

TOSA buses power up for less

EPFL scientists have developed a mathematical model to minimize the infrastructure and operational costs of the TOSA ultra-rapid rechargeable electric bus system.

Drive toward a viable 'City of the Future'

Cities consume energy and raw materials, produce waste and pollutants, and overload their transportation systems. Fraunhofer researchers have now combined forces in the innovation network German for "Morgenstadt" (or "City ...

Preparing for extreme weather

From high winds and heavy rainfall to droughts and plummeting temperatures, people in Europe have already begun to feel the effects of extreme weather. As we get used to this new reality, scientists are investigating how ...

Harnessing innovation for smart transport networks

Challenging times are ahead for Europe's transport network, with traffic expected to double by 2030. This increase is expected to have a knock-on effect on safety and the environment.

Image: US holiday transportation web seen from orbit

Thanksgiving is a time for family, for feasting, and for gratitude in the United States. It is also a time when the nation's transportation network is clogged with travelers. According to the American Automobile Association, ...

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