NREL connects EVs and grid integration

Engineers working at the Vehicle Testing and Integration Facility (VTIF) enjoy a stunning view of the Denver skyline. However, some days the view includes Denver's 'brown cloud'—air pollution caused in part by vehicle emissions. ...

US roads, airports unready for extreme weather

(AP)—America's lifelines—its roads, airports, railways and transit systems—are getting hammered by extreme weather beyond what their builders imagined, leaving states and cities searching for ways to brace for more ...

Urban rail reduces carbon monoxide air pollution

The opening of a major urban rail system in Taiwan caused a meaningful reduction in air pollution, according to a forthcoming study by two professors at the University of California, Merced.

Traffic technology for a cooperative commute?

( -- Could chatty cars spearhead a peaceful revolution and traffic communications act as force to unite commuters instead of a curse to enrage them? Thanks to new 'intelligent traffic' technology developed by ...

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