Why aren't we using the global gas crisis to go green?

President Joe Biden is releasing 1 million barrels daily from U.S. oil reserves in hope of staving off gasoline inflation. Germany and other European nations continue to buy natural gas and oil from Russia, effectively undermining ...

Here's what it would take to end emissions from fossil fuels

Achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the UK by 2050 is a massive challenge. It'll mainly be achieved through cutting emissions from fossil fuels: coal, natural gas and oil. This will require rapid, deep transformation ...

Speeding up the energy transition reduces climate risks

The World Climate Conference in Glasgow has just ended, and the question is whether the goal of maximum global heating of 1.5 degrees Celsius can still be achieved. In a model calculation, Empa researchers show how the energy ...

Fossil fuels and renewables incur similar future costs

Are renewable energies coupled with energy efficiency too expensive? Regardless of whether the Swiss people choose a future based largely on fossil fuels, nuclear power or a combination of renewable energy sources, the cost ...

An energy calculator to choose our future

EPFL's Energy Center has developed an information platform on energy transition. In particular, it proposes a national energy calculator to develop scenarios for Switzerland's energy future.

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