Distortion-free, stretchable micro-LED meta-display technology

The Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) has successfully developed the first stretchable meta-display technology that can be stretched up to 25% without image distortion. The results are published in Advanced ...

Just add nano-materials for stronger, tougher diving fins

Adding microscopic nano-materials to carbon fibre composites has resulted in stronger, tougher fins for divers. A space material company teamed up with a market leader in the design and production of free-diving and spear-fishing ...

CRISPR/Cas libraries open new avenues in cancer research

CRISPR/Cas enables the targeted deactivation of genes by cutting DNA at pre-determined sites. This is accomplished by providing the Cas enzyme with a genetic zip code. Using an entire library of zip codes, it is then possible ...

NASA and China collaborate on Moon exploration

The space agencies of the United States and China are coordinating efforts on Moon exploration, NASA said Friday, as it navigates a strict legal framework aimed at protecting national security and preventing technology transfer ...

New technology serves as fish body double

Hundreds of surrogate "fish" will be put to work at dams around the world through an agreement between ATS—Advanced Telemetry Systems—and the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to improve ...

Scientists obtain a hexagonal modification of silicon

A team of scientists from Lobachevsky University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) has obtained a material with a new structure for applications in next-generation optoelectronics and photonics. This material is one of the hexagonal ...

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