Galaxy Cruise—Your galactic journey as a citizen scientist

The Universe is full of galaxies of various shapes; some galaxies have spiral arms and others don't. Why do galaxies show such diversity? Galaxies are thought to grow by interacting and merging with other galaxies; and the ...

Training tool helps unemployed job seekers grow networking skills

For many, networking is often perceived as an expected—if uncomfortable—part of the job-seeking process. University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management researchers found they could improve reemployment quality—especially ...

Storm Ciara sows trail of destruction across Europe (Update)

Storm Ciara caused travel chaos on Monday, severely disrupting commutes and grounding hundreds of flights as swathes of Europe were left without power by torrential rain and winds of up to 180 kilometres (110 miles) per hour ...

Warming up for the sun

Today, the Solar Orbiter control team is simulating launch for the penultimate time, before the sun-seeking spacecraft lifts-off for real.

High hopes as Austria's new night train sets off for Brussels

The first night train to set off for Belgium in 16 years departed from Vienna Sunday, carrying Austrian and European politicians who hope the new route can set an example as the continent tries to meet its climate targets.

New dog, old tricks? Stray dogs can understand human cues

If you have a dog, hopefully you're lucky enough to know that they are highly attuned to their owners and can readily understand a wide range of commands and gestures. But are these abilities innate or are they exclusively ...

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