Why domestic abuse is such a difficult subject for churches

Churches can be a refuge for women fleeing domestic abuse. But sometimes they can help perpetuate abuse by failing to offer support when needed. There can be many reasons for this. Sometimes it's because church leaders simply ...

Why empathy training is unlikely to work

As federal parliament continues to erupt with allegations of harassment and abuse, one of the responses from our most senior leaders has been empathy training.

New AI tool can revolutionize microscopy

An AI tool developed at the University of Gothenburg offers new opportunities for analyzing images taken with microscopes. A study shows that the tool, which has already received international recognition, can fundamentally ...

Eight-year periodicity of train millipede confirmed

A trio of researchers with the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute and Shizuoka University, both in Japan, has confirmed the eight-year periodicity of the train millipede. In their paper published in the journal ...

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