Intel begins shipping new Atom processors

Intel today announced the availability of the latest mobile Intel Atom processor-based platform, formerly codenamed "Cedar Trail." Designed to provide small, compact, on-the-go computing with great battery life at an affordable ...

September launch for Intel Cedar Trail scrapped

( -- Intel has changed the launch date of its Cedar Trail-M platform that is targeted for netbooks from September to November. The reason for the delay is a problem with graphics drivers and failing certification ...

Comet Hartley 2 leaves a bumpy trail

New findings from NEOWISE, the asteroid- and comet-hunting portion of NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mission, show that comet Hartley 2 leaves a pebbly trail as it laps the sun, dotted with grains as big as golf ...

Overcoming tumor resistance to anti-cancer agent TRAIL

The TRAIL ligand is a promising anticancer agent that preferentially kills tumor cells without apparent damage to healthy cells. Many cancers exhibit resistance to TRAIL, however, thus limiting its therapeutic potential. ...

Scientist uncovers relics of ancient cosmos

( -- A University of Manchester scientist, working as part of an international team, has uncovered an unexpectedly rich trove of relicts from the ancient cosmos.

Asteroid Impact Helps Trace Meteorite Origins

( -- The car-sized asteroid that exploded above the Nubian Desert last October was small compared to the dinosaur-killing, civilization-ending objects that still orbit the sun. But that didn't stop it from having ...

Los Alamos researchers create 'map of science'

( -- Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists have produced the world's first Map of Science—a high-resolution graphic depiction of the virtual trails scientists leave behind when they retrieve information ...

Inuit are on the right track

Inuit trails are more than merely means to get from A to B. In reality, they represent a complex social network spanning the Canadian Arctic and are a distinctive aspect of the Inuit cultural identity. And what is remarkable ...

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