The vast reach of global human trafficking

Human trafficking for forced labour, sexual exploitation and the illegal organ trade amounts to a criminal industry generating untaxed and untaxable revenues of some $32 billion, according to a paper published this month ...

Threatened A-listers of the animal world

The 40 countries meeting here Thursday to seek a landmark declaration on the illegal trade of wildlife have said they are particularly concerned about the plight of elephants, rhinos and tigers, prized for their tusks, horns ...

November federal trial set in NY 'Silk Road' case

The Internet entrepreneur accused of being the mastermind behind an online marketplace for illegal drug sales called the Silk Road was scheduled Friday to go on trial in November.

Alleged Silk Road mastermind indicted in NY

A San Francisco man has been indicted on charges he was the mastermind behind a secret website that brokered more than $1 billion in transactions for illegal drugs and services.

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