Challenges and research for an evolving aviation system

A comprehensive aviation safety system as envisioned by NASA would require integration of a wide range of systems and practices, including building an in-time aviation safety management system (IASMS) that could detect and ...

New traffic app and disaster prevention technology road tested

A new smartphone traffic app tested by citizens in Dublin, Ireland allows users to give feedback on traffic incidents, enabling traffic management centres to respond quicker when collisions and other incidents happen around ...

Faster maintenance for traffic control systems

A new app from Siemens halves the time needed for technicians to service intelligent traffic management systems on highways. The automatic display panels on sign gantries are controlled by sensors, and the exchange of data ...

Safe driving in city traffic

In future, cars with anticipatory driver assistance systems will help drivers to navigate their way through dense urban traffic without stress and above all safely. A taste of the solutions capable of transforming this vision ...

When air quality governs traffic management

Poor air quality costs Europe more than €700 million per year, in health expenditures and loss of economic performance, according to official EU sources. To tackle such major issue, the EU-funded MACC-II research project, ...

NASA announces new strategic vision for aeronautics research

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden has unveiled a new strategic vision that will better align the work of the agency's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate to address looming challenges in global air transportation.

Toward harmonised aircraft communication

A key requirement for aircraft security is an efficient and modern communication network. The procedure carried out before each take-off requires input by multiple individuals at each stage. A fail in communication may lead ...

How to manage motorway tolls through the Game Theory

A team led by José Manuel Zarzuelo, Professor of Applied Economics, has applied the co-operative Game Theory to calculating motorway toll charges. The results of the study have been published in the specialised journal European ...

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