Measuring the next generation of life-saving pollution sensors

New research from the UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is helping Duvas Technologies Ltd (Duvas) to develop improved air quality monitoring instrumentation. Currently over 1bn people a year suffer from respiratory ...

A mathematical model for moving bottlenecks in road traffic

Serious traffic gridlocks, like the jam on Beijing's national expressway a few months ago which brought vehicles to a halt for days, are a real-world issue needing attention. Unfortunately, such standstills are not uncommon ...

Two new studies suggest ways of improving traffic flow

( -- Two studies have just been published that may help improve traffic flows. The first, presented as a Santa Fe Institute working paper for September, concluded that if traffic lights responded to measured traffic ...

IBM wants traffic lights to stop your car

( -- IBM has filed a patent application for a traffic light system that can remotely stop and start the engines of vehicles, with the aim of increasing fuel consumption efficiency at busy intersections.

Intel's new fiber-optic cables promise speed boost

Envisioning a data traffic jam looming as consumers shuttle increasing amounts of information among their home PCs, televisions and other gadgets, Intel plans to introduce new technology in a few months that could keep everything ...

The internet of cars

( -- An internet of cars promises a road system designed around cooperative technology enabling each element of the traffic system -- cars, drivers, traffic lights, signs -- to cooperate proactively to create ...

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