Optical indicators based on cholesteric liquid crystal polymers

Optical indicators based colored polymers are autonomous responsive labels that provide an optical signal to represent a specific exposure over time. Polymers that possess a high degree of order can establish structural color, ...

Testing lice traps on the Hardanger coast

Salmon lice are one of the biggest challenges for the Norwegian aquaculture industry today and pose a threat to wild salmon. The authorities have therefore introduced several measures to reduce the lice levels in production ...

A traffic light route to ending the economic lockdown

Easing the lockdown through a traffic light system could help to reboot the economy, provide a clear sense of direction and instill hope, according to new proposals set out by UCL.

Video: What your mucus says about your health

It's peak cold and flu season, and mucus is making many of our lives miserable. But despite being a little icky, phlegm gets a bad rap. This germ-fighting goo contains cells and chemical compounds that help us power through ...

Smart vehicles in the urban traffic of the future

Head-up display on the windshield, connected simulations, tactical behavior of bicyclists and phased traffic lights for trucks: These are among the technologies being presented by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) ...

Five new features that could be on your next car

Cameras that check around the car for pedestrians. Radar that stops you from drifting out of your lane. An engine able to turn off automatically at traffic lights to conserve fuel.

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